Mingitorio TU2
¿Qué es un mingitorio ecológico?
La eficiencia energética y el ahorro en servicios públicos pueden ahorrarle miles de dólares. Cuando se hace ó se le da mantenimiento a una instalación comercial. Como mejor ejemplo los baños. independientemente del número de personas que lo usan, cada descarga resulta en miles de galones de agua que solo se van por el drenaje. Esto se traduce en miles de dolares en gastos públicos.
Ahora hablemos de una manera ecológica, sustentable e higienica de dar mantenimiento a los baños. Puede lograrlo facilmente haciendo uso de nuestros Mingitorios ecológicos. los cuales evitan descargas cada vez que se usan. aunado a esto, son amigables con el medio ambiente y eficientes, virtud que todo cliente aprecia genuinamente.
El mínimo de mantenimiento: Simplemente cambie la membrana de látex lavable una vez al año y listo.
¿Cuanta agua puede ahorrar un mingitorio ecológico?
Dejemos que los números hablen por si mismos...
regularmente los inodoros suelen gastar unos 3 galones de agua por descarga. Dado que los mingitorios ecológicos no necesitan enjuagarse, pueden ahorrar desde 20,000 hasta 40,000 galones de agua anualmente.
Los ahorros monetarios se incrementan instalando los mingitorios ecológicos.
22 mingitorios ecológicos, por ejemplo, pueden ahorrar hasta 1,000,000 de galones de agua anuales.
Los mingitorios ecológicos son eficientes en cualquier tipo de ecenario sin embargo son muy adecuados para lugares donde su uso es contante, tales como, hospitales, clinicas, y compañias. El ahorro en los costos de los servicios de agua puede ayudar enormemente a las instalaciones.
En promedio, los costos de instalación y mantenimiento del mingitorio ecológico son muy similares si no, muy por debajo del costo de aquellos que necesitan descarga.
Ventajas de los mingitorios ecológicos.
Mingitorios ecológicos y su sustentabilidad
Certificación LEED
El consejo de construcción ecológica de los Estados Unidos evalúa el desempeño ambiental de las instalaciones y así otorga una certificación: Certificación de liderazgo energético y diseño ambiental (LEED). Esto promueve la transformación del mercado con base en un diseño sustentable.
When a building is “green,” the environment and the individuals that work within the building will thrive. Water efficiency translates to much more than lower water utility bills. It helps keep our environment healthy and sustainable.
Waterless Urinals: Frequently Asked Questions, Answered
Waterless urinals may seem confusing and downright preposterous to some. Urinals have been using water for several decades, after all. Why suddenly switch to a waterless system? This distrust is understandable. The saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to mind in this situation. Stainless AD is ready to answer any questions you may have about these types of urinals. Here are some of the most common, frequently asked questions.
How Do They Work?
Although waterless urinals may look similar to regular urinals, their interior components vastly differ. Instead of using water to dispose of waste, waterless urinals use gravity and inventive design to get rid of waste quickly and efficiently. Once waste is deposited into the urinal, it will flow through a drain trap. The waste then passes through a latex membrane which seals and blocks out odor.
Are They Efficient?
Now, more than ever, facilities and buildings all across the country are striving to become as efficient as possible. Waterless urinal systems can help. A single urinal flush requires one gallon of water. Say, for example, a school with 300 male students has 10 water-based urinals. Over the course of a 185-day long school year, the school will have used approximately 330,000 gallons of water! Waterless urinals bypass the need for water to function, thus saving facilities thousands of gallons of water. Not only is this environmentally friendly, it also helps facilities save in water utility costs!
Do Waterless Urinals Smell?
No. The well-known smell of urinals comes from the mixing of water and urine. Since waterless urinals don’t use water, there is no smell to worry about. The latex membrane found in our urinals blocks any odor from draining by keeping its contact sheets moist.
Are Waterless Urinals More Expensive than Regular Urinals?
Not only do waterless urinals save facilities on water utility costs, they also cost less to maintain. So, waterless urinals are less expensive than their water-based counterparts. The cost of the waterless urinal unit may or may not be close to water-based urinals. Regardless, the waterless option saves facilities on water use, which translates to more savings for the facility itself. With the latex membrane sealant, there’s no need to pay for cartridges and liquid sealants every month. The average price for a plastic cartridge is $40 and it has to be replaced every 4 weeks according to use. After a year you will have paid $480, plus the cost of the sealant liquid. After 5 years you will have paid more than $3,000 just in plastic cartridges and sealant liquid.
Our Stainless Steel Waterless Urinal uses a latex membrane and a stainless steel cartridge. The latex membrane needs to be washed and changed only once per year, according to usage.
The cost of latex membrane is $40. You will only have to pay $200 every 5 years instead of $3,000 for plastic cartridges and sealant.
How Can I Clean and Maintain a Stainless Steel Waterless Urinal?
Cleaning a stainless steel urinal is actually pretty easy. When it comes to maintaining the urinal, however, difficulties may arise. Since the interiors of waterless urinals differ wildly from water-based urinals, those maintaining the waterless urinals must be aware of all components. Although waterless urinals don’t use water, it is recommended to pour a water gallon into the urinal on a daily basis to keep pipes free from harm. This is not recommended on cartridge waterless urinals since the liquid sealant will wash through.
Our waterless urinal makes use of latex membrane cores that require to be washed every month, depending on usage. The latex membrane needs to be changed completely every year, depending on use, in order to guarantee maximum efficiency. By hiring a maintenance team that understands and has working knowledge of waterless urinals, you can guarantee the lifespan of your systems.
Where Can I Get Waterless Urinals?
Stainless AD offers a wide of waterless urinal solutions and waterless troughs that are both aesthetically pleasing and incredibly useful. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer!
Altura: 22.8" (58 cm)
Largo: 11.4" (29 cm)
Ancho: 13.8 (35 cm)